Just wanted to share this cool trick that our instructor Michael showed us the other day. I’ve made many a PowerPoint presentation in my time at UVic, but I never knew about this! I think the easiest way for me to explain it is just to show it. Take a look at the video below, which I recorded with OBS, an open source screen capture software (read more about it here).
General Update + Feeding the Shrimp!
It’s been about a week since the shrimp have arrived, and I think they’ve been settling in really nicely, I think. They all seem to be eating, swimming, and resting totally normally. However, it does seem like they don’t seem to care much for any food I add to the tank, whether it be leftover Repashy gel goldfish food, or blanched zucchini and carrot. Instead, they prefer to just graze on algae in the tank!
Below is a video I manged to catch of Big Blue tentatively nibbling on some zucchini.
Finally, the shrimp are here, and in one piece! I’m super busy with school and my personal life at the moment, but I just quickly wanted to share some initial photos and videos of the little guys and girls.
A Blast from my Past – Minecraft EDU
I’ll admit it. I was hugely into Minecraft for a good chunk of my life. I still remember the excitement being a 12-year old and playing it for the very first time. To be honest, I felt a lot of the same excitement when I heard that we would be exploring the educational qualities of Minecraft in our EdTech class. We had a Middle School Teacher and students come visit our class to discuss how they used Minecraft to learn in their classroom. If you’re new to Minecraft EDU or Minecraft in general, feel free to click this link or check out the video below in order to get some background information.
PSII Visit
Recently, I was able to visit the Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry (PSII) with on a field trip with my EdTech class. PSII is a secondary school located in the downtown area of Victoria. It offers its students a unique method of inquiry-based learning. Students at PSII do not attend any regular classes, and are said to navigate through the curriculum solely by the completion of large, in-depth inquiry projects. Teachers at the school are there to help guide students along their inquiries. Please feel free to read up on their website to learn more about the specifics of the school. Also, check out this TED talk by Jeff Hopkins, the founder and principal of PSII.
I have to admit, I have been very skeptical of the inquiry-based learning model that seems to be held in such high regard by some educators, but my time at PSII helped me overcome some of my misconceptions and apprehension.
Ordering the Shrimp!
Hey all, just wanted to let you all know that the shrimp have been ordered, and they are on their way! Normally, it is preferred to buy any kind of aquatic pet (or any pet I suppose) locally. Shipping stress and cost aside, shrimp tend to be very sensitive to changes in water parameters, so it’s always better to get shrimp that are already used to the tap water in your area.
I did visit all the pet stores in my area, but unfortunately I was not able to find any that offered the type/quantity of shrimp I was hoping for at a price within my budget. Luckily for me, I was able to get in touch with a shrimp breeder in Calgary (less than a 2 hour flight from Victoria) who was able to offer the shrimp I was looking for. Shipping is expensive for live animals, but it ended up still being cheaper than what I would pay from my local store.
Retrieved from: https://www.aquariumcreation.com/blogs/news/the-neocaridina-trees-aka-cherry-shrimp
Basic Neocaradinia Care and Tank Parameters
Neocaradinia shrimp are some of the simplest and undemanding when it comes to care requirements. However, there are a few basic things that any shrimp-keeper needs to consider when preparing a tank.
Screen Capture: Khan Academy-like Videos
The other day in EdTech, we played around screen capture and voice recording. These days, I think most students are familiar with the idea of screen-capture videos. From my own time in first year calculus and physics, I can say that I spent many nights watching Khan Academy videos in order to better understand tricky concepts. So, I wanted to see if I’d be able to make something similar!
Note: This video isn’t meant to truly explain any concepts, it’s just me playing around. Also, the bottom got a bit cut off.
Most Likely to Succeed(?)
In my EdTech class the other day, we were asked to watch a documentary called “Most Likely to Succeed”. It tells the story of students and teachers attending High Tech High, an alternative school in which students explore curriculum through “project-based learning” rather than the traditional format of lectures, homework, and tests. Before continuing, I would encourage you to watch the film if possible, or at least watch the trailer to obtain some additional context.
What’s the Cheapest Place to Buy a Shrimp?
Turns out it’s actually not a prawn shop.
Besides, it’s the world of shrimp, not prawns, that I’m preparing to dive into. I know, I know… not everyone will find my venture into shrimp-keeping as exciting as I do, but I don’t care – it’s my blog! Go ahead and call me shellfish!