These past few days, I’ve been feeling pretty anxious about the shrimp. I seem to find them grazing on algae less, and they still are indifferent about veggies or other kinds of food I provide. To make matters worse, I hadn’t seen Big Blue for almost a week. In a tank this large with so many plants or rocks to hide behind, it isn’t uncommon for me to not see a specific shrimp (I can distinguish a few shrimps based on distinct markings, colorations, or size) for a day or two, but never have any been missing for this long. I was almost certain he was dead.
But, after a week of despair, I was met with the best kind of surprise! Big Blue was back, hanging out on the filter. And she wasn’t alone!
I don’t know about you, but I was blown away when I saw this. I’m incredibly proud of this photo. Please click below to see some videos I took as well!
Sorry for some of the blurry, shaky footage – I was really excited.
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